Located in Civita di Bagnoregio, Italy “a unique destination that is a pristine Medieval village on a promontory set in a vaste valley carved into volcanic rock by two rivers. Its only connection to the modern world is a footbridge by which you will travel the last half mile of your voyage into another world, virtually untouched by modern life”.
The home rental was designed by Studio F and is called Domus Civita.
Studio F was careful to preserve the historic charm this house contained through careful renovation. This 3 bedroom/ 3 bathroom rental home has all the essential amenities for one to feel extra comfortable and relaxed throughout their stay while also providing an aesthetically pleasing modern interior and a historic and beautifully decorated exterior. Each bedroom has their own unique and beautiful views of the town and surrounding landscape for one to feel truly at peace.
If you’d like to check out some more pictures, or learn more about the rental check out their website http://domuscivita.com